Sunday, December 21, 2014

Visual effects for Assassin's Creed: Rogue

This is a destruction sequence in Assassin's creed: Rogue where I did 70% of the visual FX. Fire, smoke, exploding windows, falling tower, tiles, woods and rocks collapsing on the ground. It was really fun to make. You have to keep in mind that it has to fit for the video games restrictions. Smoke can't stay on screen forever, we re-use textures, particles are not lighted, etc. The overall feeling that everything is falling appart is still there. Enjoy!

Québec city ''The last of us'' transformation

I was a big fan of the video game ''The last of us''. Everything in this game was immersive to me and I tried to recreate my home city in this apocalyptic universe using photoshop. 

Landscape composition

In this image, I played with lighting and draw some detail in photoshop to change the universe.

Lighting test

I tried to integrate characters using only lighting in this test.


An image I made for marketing purpose showing a clash between two universes.

Lighting Test

This was a lighting test I made using no textures on props, I had to play with lights, camera and props position to make it look as good as I could.

Lighting test

This was a lighting test I made using no textures on props, I had to play with lights, camera and props position to make it look as good as I could.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Image made for Ubisoft facebook page

I made this image representing a clash between the different universes Ubisoft was working on at the time. This image was my initiative and got tons of likes and shares, so they ask me to make more of them after.

Image made for Ubisoft facebook page

Image made for Ubisoft facebook page

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thursday, October 16, 2008